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Coaching for Job Interview

Yes you can!

30 min
Yes, You Can!

Descrição do serviço

Job interviews can be stressful even for job seekers who have already been through countless interviews. And it´s not just about stress. A well-written resumé may help. But psychological pressures almost always come along with tough job interviews. For non-native speakers, English language skill is an added demand. Mental and linguistic abilities are what interviewees need. I know because I have coached lots of professionals and helped them go through these grinding moments. Are you in need of psychological and communication boosters for job interview? Just let me know.

Informações de contato

+ (11) 0981242723

Rua Fernandes Moreira, 311/315 - Chac. Sto. Antônio, São Paulo, BR-SP 04716000, BRA

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