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Looking for the Job You Love?
Pursue your passion!
30 min30 minVirtual
Follow Your Dreams!
Follow Your Dreams!
Descrição do serviço
Here´s what Steve Jobs said: "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven´t found it yet, keep looking. Don´t settle." What do you love doing? Are you in a job you love? If so, congratulations! If not, then, find or create it. Don´t settle for less. You are meant for something greater -- to love working and to work loving. The question is: how to get there? Let me know if you want to have a coaching chat. I´d like to hear your answer.

Informações de contato
+ (11) 0981242723
Rua Fernandes Moreira, 311/315 - Chac. Sto. Antônio, São Paulo, BR-SP 04716000, BRA
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